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The Chemistry laboratory is designed keeping all the statutory norms and safety standards. It is well ventilated as well as spacious. It has some of the most accurate digital measuring instruments required for measuring chemicals. Here a scientific attitude is developed in the students along with the ability to analyze, compute, integrate and deduce. In our chemistry lab learning chemistry is super fun. It is a place to explore, enjoy and also understand the responsibility of treating equipment and chemicals with care and attention they deserve. Our faculty prove that the subject can be interesting and easy to learn. Our faculty and the highly trained lab assistant provide an atmosphere conducive to learning not just theory but by applying it practically. Our school lab has: Durable and high quality glass beakers. Glass flasks. Wickless alcohol lamps with stand. Test tables and stands. Thermometer. Ph. Papers. Well maintained, good quality and safety stored sticks of chemicals for conducting experiments. Firefighting equipment. Well stocked first aid kit.
Design: Samkit R. Shah - +91-7984099688